What is
...and why "All You Can Eat"?
There are so many fitness myths, complicated diet strategies and confusing training plans circulating on the internet, that it feels impossible to keep the overview. So many people want to crush their fitness-goals... but feel confused and powerless.
Fitness is made complicated on purpose.
...At least you get that feeling when you look around. Every source on the internet tells you something different:
Low carb, Low fat, Keto diet, Paleo, Weight Watchers, intermittent fasting, no sugar, only salad, no more fruit, no more food after 6pm, etc.... It seems everyone wants to sell you a different solution - and none of them sound as if they're fun at all....
So how the hell do I know what works - and what is bullshit?
What is the easiest way for long-term results?
And how do I get started?
Over the last years I thought about this nonstop.
To stop eating carbs or fasting for several hours of the day was no option for me at all.
What I wanted was flexible and normal lifestyle, that would help me get and stay muscular, lean and healthy.
But how?
The hidden contradiction
Then I realized something: All these diet strategies with the fancy names have something in common...
A big problem.
All of them are only SHORT-TERM strategies.
No matter whether we are talking about these 12 week programs, fasting strategies or low carb diets...
They all miss the core aspect: LONG-TERM applicability.
Let's say you follow the 12 week program and lose 4kgs... What after that?
Or you lose 3 kgs through skipping all meals till 2pm... What if you want to return to normal eating?
Or maybe you went keto and completely avoided carbs... What if you want to simply enjoy normal meals with bread or pasta again?
Do you see the huge problem? it is a hidden contradiction.
Because let me explain what happens now:
It is called the YoYo-effect. You have probably experienced it yourself. It happens to 90% of the people that lose weight. And most of them do not only gain the old weight back... they even weigh more than before! Sad but true. And why does it always happen?
You can think of it as a pendulum: if it swings too much to one side, it then swings back with at least the same strength. We have to balance out the pendulum. We don't want it to swing back on us.
What about the Training aspect?
Next to the right eating approach, what is the best way to train to build muscle and develop a great physique that you can maintain?
Well, it is NOT a super complicated high volume plan with 8 different phases over 24 weeks with planned out sets and weights calculated to the gram. It is not that.
It is CONSISTENCY. And the ability to think longterm. Start small and see what works for YOUR lifestyle. Find the way that motivates you and that you enjoy. And then build up on this foundation and improve with small steps. Get better. The results will come. And they will stay.
Focusing on the wrong things
So next to the short-term strategies, there is the other big problem:
The actually important factors do not get nearly enough attention. Instead, focus is put too much on things that are irrelevant or might even harm you in the long run. They might give you short term results and a good feeling for 3 weeks. But afterwards this illusion will come crushing down like a house of cards. The things that will actually change your life are not even mentioned most of the time... TO YOU KEEP YOU COMING BACK... and fuck up over and over again... and keep buying programs.
So, how can you be successful and reach your fitness-goals (and maintain the results forever)?
The answer:
Less extreme measures.
Focus on the relevant 20%.
Facts: EVERYONE Can get in TOP SHAPE and maintain it. Doesn't matter how busy you are or what your lifestyle looks like.
The journey is actually fun and a lot easier than you think.
So to achieve this BALANCE, I will help you create a lifestyle that is ...
So let's sum it up. What does ALL YOU CAN EAT FITNESS mean?
It means focusing on behaviors that we can actually maintain
A.Y.C.E. FITNESS means avoiding unnecessary extremes
Focus on BALANCE and making your journey FUN
ALL YOU CAN EAT means you can eat everything. It is not a diet.
It does not matter what your starting point is, it works for everyone
ALL YOU CAN EAT means no more short-term mindset
Focus on LIFETIME changes
All YOU can eat means it is about YOU as an individual - because everyone needs a unique approach
Focus on building CONSISTENCY with eating and training - No more YoYo effect and short-term shit
A.Y.C.E. FITNESS means Cut the bullshit! 80% of the things you think you know are unnecessary ballast
THE GOAL: develop an individual lifestyle, that lets you achieve your goals in the short- AND LONG-TERM!
1. FUN
Let's make this journey FUN!
The key to success is ENJOYING the process!
No more unnecessary complicated shit. Let's focus only on the few basic things that get us the results!
Everyone has a different starting point and different goals. So let's create YOUR individual Fitness lifestyle!
Fitness has always been a hobby, a challenge and a passion for me. It brought balance into my life.
When I started working out with dumbbells at the age of 16, I quickly saw the first gains in strength and muscle. And as the muscles grew, so did my ambition and motivation.
I wanted to be in top shape, unlock my full potential, simply develop a great body. Why? Because I realized, that I can. I had the feeling that it was possible. But I wasn't ready to give up everything for that.
I love life. I love to go out to eat, to party, to be out with friends. I didn't want a life like a bodybuilder or a fitness model. All day chicken and broccoli? No way.
It must be possible to achieve this in an easier way.
I wanted to make fitness as easy and enjoyable as possible and reduce it to the most important things. What do you really need to focus on? What things are a waste of time or unnecessarily complicated?
Inspired by American fitness YouTubers, I tried different methods to optimize my eating and training. But I always tried to enjoy the journey as much as I could.
Fast forward: Today I am permanently in top shape. It feels almost effortless. I live the lifestyle. Every day for the past years.
I practice what i preach.
And I love helping others crack the code and understand what really matters.
Let me show you what ALL YOU CAN EAT FITNESS means, and how you can achieve this lifestyle too.
Don't wait any longer. Get my help and start changing your life now.